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1. Sappho - Greek Poet Sappho
Sappho is the most famous of the ancient Greek women poets. Sappho is known for the island on which she lived and taught young women, Lesbos, and the...
2. Sappho - Fresco of Sappho
3. Sappho - Who Is the Greek Poet Sappho
About the Greek Poet Sappho
4. Sappho - Books on Sappho
Books about the poet of Lesbos, Sappho, her poetry, life, lesbianism, analyses of the relationship between her writing and that of other poets.
5. Sappho and Alcaeus - Lyric Poetry Writers Sappho and Alcaeus
Sappho and Alcaeus, contemporaries from Lesbos, wrote lyric poetry.
6. Sappho, Greece, ancient history
Sappho (c.650-590BC) Sappho was the first known female poet, and she lived on the island Lesbos. Little is known about her, but she seems to have...
7. 80 Sappho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edit this page Edit this page Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia Atom feed 80 Sappho From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search 80...
8. A New Sappho Poem
A New Sappho Poem
9. Poetry Month - Sappho
Poetry Month - Sappho
10. Poetry Month - Sappho
Poetry Month - Sappho
11. Wordless Wednesday - Sappho
Wordless Wednesday - Sappho
12. Sappho - Sappho of Lesbos
Sappho / Psappho, who grew up on Lesbos, a commercial island where women were allowed greater freedom than in Attica, started her own school for girls...
13. Sappho, Posidippus
Sappho, Posidippus
14. Ancient Greece - Knowledge and Learning - The British Museum
Sappho c. 610 - 580 BC Unfortunately, there are no surviving sculptures to show us what this person looked like. Sappho was one of the most admired...
15. sapfo, grekland, antik historia
Sapfo (ca. 650-590 fKr) Sapfo var den första kända poetissan, och hon bodde på ön Lesbos. Mycket lite är känt om...
16. Erinna, Greece, ancient history
Erinna Poetess from Telos who probably lived during the 4th century BC, even though some say she was a contemporary of Sappho. Erinna wrote a poem of...
17. Alcaios, Greece, ancient history
Alcaios Just like his contemporary Sappho, Alcaios lived on Lesbos. It has sometimes been suggested that the two were lovers. Alcaios wrote about...
18. Muses Pages
Pages on this site about the divine and earthly muses, including Sappho, Anyte, Korinna and Nossis.
19. Praxilla of Sicyon
One of the earthly muses, along with Sappho, she was a Greek lyric poet of the fifth century B.C.
20. Archaic Greek and Legendary Roman Timeline for the seventh century B.C.
Archaic Greek and Legendary Roman Timeline for the seventh century B.C. with related features from the Ancient/Classical History site
21. Have You Heard of These Greek Poets?
Have You Heard of These Greek Poets?
22. Greatest Greeks
Greatest Greeks
23. Alcaeus of Mytilene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edit this page Edit this page Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia Atom feed Alcaeus of Mytilene From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation,...
24. Archaic Attic black-figure vases, their painters, styles, and decoration.
Archaic Attic black-figure vases, their painters, styles, and decoration.
25. Quiz on Ancient Greek Women Poets
ancient greek women ancient classical history score math greek poet women poets: Quiz on Ancient Greek Women Poets.
26. Greek Women Poets
Although most of the ancient poets were men, there are several famous ancient women who wrote lyric poetry. The best known is Sappho of Lesbos.
27. Archaic Age of Ancient Greece
After the Dark Ages, Greece experienced the Archaic Age, which featured such writers as Homer and Sappho.
28. Muses - Nine Earthly - Ancient women poets called the nine earthly muses by Antipater of...
jane mcintosh snyder, southern illinois university, illinois university press, women poets, southern illinois university press, antipater, moero,...
29. One of the nine earthly muses, Nossis of Locri
About.com Search About.com Ancient / Classical History Ancient / Classical History Home Education Ancient / Classical History Email Ancient History...
30. Biography: Women
Famous women from ancient history, including Aspasia, Agnodice, Mary Magdalene and Hypatia.
31. Laughter of Aphrodite
margaret mccabe times literary supplement fellow poet steven saylor sexual mores: Review of Peter Green's The Laughter of Aphrodite

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