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1. thespis, grekland, antik historia
Thespis (500-talet fKr) "Tragedins uppfinnare" föddes i Attika, och var den förste pristagaren vid de stora Dionysierna år 534...
2. Thespis, Greece, ancient history
Thespis (6th century BC) The "inventor of tragedy" was born in Attica, and was the first prize winner at the Great Dionysia in 534 BC. He was an...
3. World's First Writer of Tragedy
Who was the world's first writer of tragedy?
4. Aeschylus: The First Great Playwright
Of all the miracles which dazzle mankind in the history of literary genius, none is more amazing than the advent of Aeschylus.
5. Changes Made by Aeschylus
An analysis of the innovations made by Aeschylus in the drama.
6. Aeschylus and His Tragedies
Biography of ancient Greek dramatist Aeschylus.
7. Ridgeway's Theory of the Origin of Tragedy
Treatise suggesting that Theatre evolved not from Dionysian festivals, but rather from ancient worship of the dead.
8. The Origins of Tragedy
An analysis of the origins of the Greek tragic drama.
9. Rise of the Actor's Profession
A history of the development of the actor's profession in ancient Greece.
10. The City Dionysia
An overview of the City Dionysia, the most famous dramatic festival of the ancient Greeks.

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