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1. Plutarch - The Greek Historian Plutarch
Plutarch is famous for his biographies of lives of famous Greeks and Romans.
2. Plutarch and Plutarch's Lives
Resources on Plutarch of Chaironeia, his biographies of famous Greeks, and Romans, and bibliography.
3. Plutarch Lupercalia - Passage From Plutarch's Life of Romulus on the Lupercalia
This is Plutarch's version of the events and origin of the Roman festival of Lupercalia from Plutarch s Life of Romulus.
4. Plutarch, Greece, ancient history
Plutarch (c.46-120) Born in Chaeronea, Boeotia, educated in Athens and travelling in Egypt and to Rome Plutarch was to become one of the most...
5. Plutarch's Lives - Crassus
Plutarch's biography of Crassus includes Plutarch's version of the slave revolt Spartacus led.
6. Plutarch Bona Dea Scandal
Plutarch Bona Dea Scandal
7. Plutarch
Plutarch was a Greek biographer born at Chaeronea in Boeotia about A.D. 50.
8. Plutarch and the Bona Dea Scandal
bona dea, vestal virgins, clodius, vine branches, phrygians, sacred rites, grecians, plutarch, licentiousness, dryads, profligates, audacity, having...
9. Lives of Famous Greeks and Romans, by Plutarch
English translation of Plutarch's Lives, by John Dryden, revised by Clough 1864.
10. Plutarch Marcus Licinius Crassus - Spartacus
Section from Plutarch's biography of Marcus Licinius Crassus on the slave revolt led by Spartacus
11. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Sertorius with Eumenes
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's comparison of Sertorius and Eumenes.
12. Plutarch's Comparison of Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus
Plutarch's comparison of Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus
13. Plutarch's Comparison of Philopoemen with Flamininus
Plutarch's Comparison fo Philopoemen with Flamininus.
14. Plutarch's Comparison of Pericles with Fabius
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's comparison of Pericles with Fabius
15. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Demetrius with Antony
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's Comparison of Demetrius with Antony.
16. Plutarch's Lives - Comparison of Poplicola With Solon
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's Comparison of Poplicola With Solon.
17. Plutarch's Comparison of Pelopidas with Marcellus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's Comparison of Pelopidas and Marcellus
18. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Lucullus with Cimon
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's Comparison of Lucullus with Cimon .
19. Plutarch's Comparison of Romulus with Theseus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's Comparison of Romulus with Theseus
20. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Dion with Brutus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's comparison of Dion with Brutus
21. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus with Agis and Cleomenes
Plutarch's comparison of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus with Agis and Cleomenes.
22. Plutarch's Comparison of Alcibiades with Coriolanus
Plutarch's Comparison of Alcibiades with Coriolanus
23. Plutarch's Comparison of Lysander with Sulla (Sylla)
Plutarch's comparison of Lysander with Sulla (Sylla)
24. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Crassus and Nicias
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's Comparison of Crassus with Nicias
25. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Crassus and Nicias
Plutarch's Comparison of Crassus with Nicias
26. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Pompey with Agesilaus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's comparison of Pompey with Agesilaus .
27. Plutarch's Comparison of Aristides and Marcus Cato
Plutarch's comparison of Aristides and Marcus Cato
28. Plutarch's Lives: Comparison of Numa Pompilius with Lycurgus
Plutarch's Comparison of Numa Pompilius wuth Lycurgus.
29. Plutarch's Lives: Cato the Younger
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Cato the Younger.
30. Plutarch Texts: Life of Caius Gracchus
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Caius Gracchus
31. Plutarch's Lives: Cimon
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Cimon.
32. Plutarch's Lives: Cleomenes
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Cleomenes.
33. Plutarch's life of Pelopidas
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Pelopidas
34. Plutarch's life of Pyrrhus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Pyrrhus
35. Plutarch's life of Aemilius Paulus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Aemilius Paulus
36. Plutarch's Lives: Agesilaus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Agesilaus.
37. Plutarch's Lives: Agis
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Agis.
38. Plutarch's life of Alcibiades
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Alcibiades
39. Plutarch Texts: Life of Alexander
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Alexander
40. Plutarch Texts: Life of Antony
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: English translation of Plutarch's Life of Antony
41. Plutarch Texts: Life of Aratus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: English translation of Plutarch's Life of Aratus
42. Plutarch's life of Aristides
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Aristides
43. Plutarch Texts: Life of Artaxerxes
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Artaxerxes
44. Plutarch's Lives: Brutus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Brutus.
45. Plutarch Texts: Life of Caesar
English translation of Plutarch's Biography (Life) of Julius Caesar.
46. Plutarch Texts: Life of Camillus
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Camillus
47. Plutarch's Lives: Cicero
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of cicero.
48. Plutarch Texts: Life of Gaius Marius
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Caius Marius
49. Plutarch's life of Coriolanus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Coriolanus
50. Plutarch's Lives: Demetrius
Plutarch's biography of Demetrius.
51. Plutarch's Lives: Demosthenes
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Demosthenes.
52. Plutarch's Lives: Dion
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Dion.
53. Plutarch's Lives: Eumenes
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of .
54. Plutarch's life of Fabius
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Fabius
55. Plutarch's life of Flamininus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Flamininus
56. Plutarch's Lives: Galba
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Galba.
57. Plutarch's life of Lucullus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Lucullus
58. Plutarch Texts: Life of Lycurgus
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Lycurgus
59. Plutarch Texts: Life of Lysander
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Lysander
60. Plutarch's life of Marcellus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Marcellus
61. Plutarch's life of Marcus Cato
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Marcus Cato
62. Plutarch's life of Nicias
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Nicias
63. Plutarch's life of Numa Pompilius
Plutarch's biography of the Roman king, Numa Pompilius
64. Plutarch's Lives: Otho
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Otho.
65. Plutarch's life of Pericles
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Pericles
66. Plutarch's life of PHILOPOEMEN
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Philopoemen
67. Plutarch's Lives: Phocion
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Phocion.
68. Plutarch's Lives: Pompey
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Pompey.
69. Plutarch Texts: Life of Poplicola
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Poplicola
70. Plutarch Texts: Life of Romulus
caius gracchus tiberius gracchus caius marius marcus cato marcus brutus: English translation of Plutarch's Life of Romulus
71. Plutarch's Lives: Sertorius
Plutarch's biography of Sertorius.
72. Plutarch Texts: Life of Solon
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Solon
73. Sulla - Plutarch's life of Sylla (Sulla)
Plutarch's biography of Sylla (Sulla)
74. Plutarch Texts: Life of Tiberius Gracchus
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Tiberius Gracchus
75. Plutarch Texts: Life of Themistocles
English translation of Plutarch's Life of Themistocles
76. Theseus Biography - Plutarch's Life of Theseus
Plutarch's biography of Theseus
77. Plutarch's life of Timoleon
Plutarch's biography of Timoleon
78. Plutarch's life of Caius Marius
caius gracchus caius marius tiberius gracchus marcus cato marcus brutus: Plutarch's biography of Caius Marius
79. Plutarch's Caesar - Captured by Pirates
After his stay in Bithynia, with Nicomedes, Caesar was captured by pirates who ransomed him for fifty talents even though Caesar told them he would...
80. Plutarch_of_Eretria
Wikipedia (en)
81. Plutarch's Lives - Biographies of Famous Roman and Greek Men
Plutarch wrote biographies of famous Roman and Greek men. Here you'll find out of copyright English translations of Plutarch's lives of famous men.
82. Ancient Biography - Cornelius Nepos - Plutarch - Tacitus - Suetonius
Ancient Biography - Cornelius Nepos - Plutarch - Tacitus - Suetonius
83. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch
Biography of famous Greek and Roman men and Cleopatra, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
84. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Scroll-From the Life of Lysander
The Scroll-From the Life of Lysander, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
85. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Sacred Theban Band from the Life of Pelopidas
The Sacred Theban Band from the Life of Pelopidas, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
86. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: From the Life of Titus Flamininus, The Conqueror of Philip
From the Life of Titus Flamininus, The Conqueror of Philip, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
87. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Comparison of Theseus and Romulus
Comparison of Theseus and Romulus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
88. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Wound of Philopoemen
The Wound of Philopoemen, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
89. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: From The Life of Quintus Fabius Maximus
From The Life of Quintus Fabius Maximus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
90. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Anecdotes from the Life of Agesilaus, King of Sparta
Anecdotes from the Life of Agesilaus, King of Sparta, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
91. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Cruelty of Lucius Cornelius Sylla
The Cruelty of Lucius Cornelius Sylla, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
92. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Noble Character of Caius Fabricius from the life of Pyrrhus
The Noble Character of Caius Fabricius from the life of Pyrrhus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
93. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Brothers from the Life of Timoleon
The Brothers from the Life of Timoleon, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
94. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Death of Caesar
The Death of Caesar, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
95. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Luxury of Lucullus
The Luxury of Lucullus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
96. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Comparison of Alcibiades and Coriolanus
Comparison of Alcibiades and Coriolanus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
97. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: From the Life of Sertorius the Roman who endeavored to establish a...
From the Life of Sertorius the Roman who endeavored to establish a separate government for himself in Spain, by Plutarch and adapted for children by...
98. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Comparison of Demosthenes and Cicero
Comparison of Demosthenes and Cicero, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
99. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Description of Cleopatra from the Life of Antony
Description of Cleopatra from the Life of Antony, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
100. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Character of Marcus Cato
The Character of Marcus Cato, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
101. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: A Roman Triumph from the Life of Paulus Aemilius
A Roman Triumph from the Life of Paulus Aemilius, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
102. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: The Engines of Archimedes from the life of Marcellus
The Engines of Archimedes from the life of Marcellus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
103. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Solon
Solon, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
104. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Themistocles
Themistocles, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
105. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Aristides
Aristides, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
106. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Cimon
Cimon, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
107. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Demosthenes
Demosthenes, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
108. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Pericles
Pericles, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
109. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Alcibaides
Alcibaides, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
110. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
111. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Camillus
Camillus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
112. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Cicero
Cicero, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
113. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Coriolanus
Coriolanus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
114. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Lycurgus
Lycurgus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
115. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Pompey
Pompey, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
116. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Romulus
Romulus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
117. Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Theseus
Theseus, by Plutarch and adapted for children by John S. White.
118. The Great Rhetra - Plutarch on Lycurgus of Sparta and the Great Rhetra
Section from Plutarch's biography of Lycurgus of Sparta on the Great Rhetra, including lines from the Spartan poet Tyrtaeus on the rhetra.
119. Coriolanus - Plutarch's Biography of Coriolanus and Shakespeare's Coriolanus Play
A comparison of Plutarch's biography of the ancient Roman Coriolanus and Shakespeare's play Coriolanus.
120. Coriolanus - Plutarch's Biography of Coriolanus and Shakespeare's Coriolanus Play
A comparison of Plutarch's biography of the ancient Roman Coriolanus and Shakespeare's play Coriolanus.
121. Coriolanus - Plutarch's Biography of Coriolanus and Shakespeare's Coriolanus Play
A comparison of Plutarch's biography of the ancient Roman Coriolanus and Shakespeare's play Coriolanus.
122. Coriolanus - Plutarch's Biography of Coriolanus and Shakespeare's Coriolanus Play
A comparison of Plutarch's biography of the ancient Roman Coriolanus and Shakespeare's play Coriolanus.
123. Coriolanus - Plutarch's Biography of Coriolanus and Shakespeare's Coriolanus Play
A comparison of Plutarch's biography of the ancient Roman Coriolanus and Shakespeare's play Coriolanus.
124. Classical E-Text: PLUTARCH, LIFE OF THESEUS
Classical E-Text
Classical E-Text
126. Ancient Biography - Cornelius Nepos - Plutarch - Tacitus - Suetonius
Ancient Biography
127. Plutarch's Lives Biographies of Men G-M
About.com Search About.com Ancient / Classical History Ancient / Classical History Home Education Ancient / Classical History Ancient History People...
128. Plutarch's Lives Biographies of Men G-M
About.com Search About.com Ancient / Classical History Ancient / Classical History Home Education Ancient / Classical History Ancient History People...
129. PLutarch's Lives Biographies of Men N-R
About.com Search About.com Ancient / Classical History Ancient / Classical History Home Education Ancient / Classical History Ancient History People...
130. Plutarch's Lives Biographies of Men A-F
About.com Search About.com Ancient / Classical History Ancient / Classical History Home Education Ancient / Classical History Ancient History People...
131. plutarchos, grekland, antik historia
Plutarchos (ca. 46-120 ) Född i Chaeronea, Boeotien, utbildad i Athen och resenär i Egypten och Rome, Plutarchos var en av den antika...
132. Moralia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Moralia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Selected essays from...
133. Pirates
134. Ancient Historians of Ancient History - page 2 of 2
Ancient writers about history, including Tacitus, Thucydides, Herodotus, Plutarch, Livy, and Julius and Augustus Caesar.
135. Ancient Historians of Ancient History
Ancient writers about history, including Tacitus, Thucydides, Herodotus, Plutarch, Livy, and Julius and Augustus Caesar.
136. Fabius Maximus Quotation
aristotle quotations quintus fabius maximus bible quotations plutarch sophocles: Fabius Maximus Quotation.
137. Historians
Greek and Roman historians, Tacitus, Thucydides, Herodotus, Livy, Plutarch, Diodorus Siculus, Xenophon from your About.com Guide
138. Coriolanus - Biography of Coriolanus
Coriolanus was one of the famous Romans whose biography was written by Plutarch. More famous than Plutarch's biography is Shakepeare's Coriolanus, a...
139. Ancient Historians - Timeline of the Greek and Roman Historians
Dates, names, and features on this site about the Greek and Roman historians, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Strabo, Livy, Tacitus, Plutarch
140. Variations on the Story of the Battle of Thermopylae - Diodorus on Thermopylae
Diodorus Siculus and others, including Plutarch and Justin, based on Pompeius Trogus, tell the story of the Battle of Thermopylae differently from...
141. Variations on the Story of the Battle of Thermopylae - Diodorus on Thermopylae
Diodorus Siculus and others, including Plutarch and Justin, based on Pompeius Trogus, tell the story of the Battle of Thermopylae differently from...
142. Thalestris
Wikipedia (en)
143. Eumenes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Eumenes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see...
144. Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Lucius Cornelius Sulla From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This...
145. Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Lucius Cornelius Sulla From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from...
146. Demetrius I of Macedon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Demetrius I of Macedon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search...
147. Cato the Younger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Cato the Younger From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Marcus...
148. Cato the Younger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Cato the Younger From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Cato the...
149. Marcus Claudius Marcellus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Marcus Claudius Marcellus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search...
150. Romulus_and_Remus
Wikipedia (en)
151. Romulus
Wikipedia (en)
152. Marcus Licinius Crassus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Marcus Licinius Crassus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This...
153. Marcus Licinius Crassus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Marcus Licinius Crassus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from...
154. Galba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Galba From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Ambox style.png This...
155. Servius_Sulpicius_Galba
Wikipedia (en)
156. Gaius Marius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Gaius Marius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is...
157. Cato the Elder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Cato the Elder From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Marcus Porcius...
158. Marcus Junius Brutus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Marcus Junius Brutus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Marcus...
159. Cicero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Cicero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see...
160. Cicero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Cicero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Marcus Tullius Cicero...
161. Wars_of_Alexander_the_Great
Wikipedia (en)
162. Numa Pompilius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Numa Pompilius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Numa Pompilius...
163. Lysander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Lysander From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Most important...
164. Mark Antony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Mark Antony From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For his...
165. Mark Antony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Mark Antony From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Marcus Antonius...
166. Nicias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Nicias From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For the Indo-Greek...
167. Ancient Rome: Historians - Ancient/Classical History Net Links
Roman Historians from early tribes through the Republic and Empire, Priscus, Sallust, Livy, PLutarch, Tacitus, Caesar and Josephus, from your Mining...
168. Krypteia (Cryptia) in Sparta
Krypteia (Cryptia) in Sparta
169. Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
170. The Wives of Mark Antony
The Wives of Mark Antony
171. Historians
172. Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
173. February
174. Aristides
175. Was Varinia the Real Wife of Spartacus?
Was Varinia the Real Wife of Spartacus?
176. Today in History April 28
Today in History April 28
177. Pythagorean Theorem and Numbers
Pythagorean Theorem and Numbers
178. On This Day in Ancient History - September 28
On This Day in Ancient History - September 28
179. Roman Hygiene
Roman Hygiene
180. Historians of Ancient Rome
Historians of Ancient Rome
181. On This Day in Ancient History - September 28
On This Day in Ancient History - September 28
182. Were All Ancient Greeks Required to Vote or Risk Being Labeled Idiots?
Were All Ancient Greeks Required to Vote or Risk Being Labeled Idiots?
183. Death of Sulla
Death of Sulla
184. On This Day in Ancient History - Clodius the Beautiful
On This Day in Ancient History - Clodius the Beautiful
185. Wordy Thursday
Wordy Thursday
186. On This Day in History Crassus
On This Day in History Crassus
187. Myth Monday - The Deeds of Theseus
Myth Monday - The Deeds of Theseus
188. Myth Monday* - Bona Dea
Myth Monday* - Bona Dea
189. Cicero Texts
somnium scipionis life of cicero de amicitia scipio plutarch: Cicero texts
190. Pla-plu
Short entries on words from classical history and mythology beginning with pl.
191. Lycurgus - The Spartan Lycurgus
Lycurgus was the legendary lawgiver of Sparta. Plutarch describes the life of Lycurgus as if Lycurgus had been a real person. Herodotus and Xenophon...
192. October Quotation of the Day
Quotation of the Day Ancient writers and philosophers quotes du jour
193. Ancient historical people beginning with the letter P
Famous ancient people whose names begin with the letter P
194. Notes to Herodotus [First Book of the Histories called Clio and translated by G.C. Macaulay]
istories, croesus, herodotus, phoenicians, narrative history, erga, macaulay, istorie, plutarch, meaning of the word, solon, muses, aristotle, bk,...
195. Latin Prose
Latin prose mostly with translations into English.
196. Roman Historians
Roman Historians from early tribes through the Republic and Empire, Priscus, Sallust, Livy, Plutarch, Tacitus, Caesar and Josephus.
197. Greek Historians - Resources on ancient and modern historians and ancient Greece
Modern historians of ancient history, ancient historians, including the father or history, Herodotus, and Thucydides, and passages from ancient Greek...
198. Pericles was an Athenian leader known for the rebuilding projects of the Golden Age of Athens.
Pericles was the leading statesman of Athens when the city rebuilt itself from the ashes of the Persian Wars and when the Athenian led Delian League...
199. Demosthenes - Greek Orator Demosthenes
Demosthenes was a famous Greek orator known for writing the Phillipics.
200. Was Caesar the Father of Brutus?
Plutarch and the Question of Caesar's Paternity of Brutus
201. Pharsalus - Cassius Dio on the Battle at Pharsalus in the Civil War Between Pompey and Caesar
Pharsalus was the decisive battle in the Roman civil war.
202. Vestal Virgins - Obligations and rewards of 30 years service as a Vestal Virgin
Vestal Virgins - Obligations and rewards of 30 years service as a Vestal Virgin
203. Chaeremon
A biographical note on the Greek dramatist Chaeremon.
204. Marcus Furius Camillus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Marcus Furius Camillus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Marcus...
205. Gaius Gracchus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Gaius Gracchus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Gaius Gracchus...
206. Oedipodea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Oedipodea From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The Oedipodea (...
207. Lycomedes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia RSS Feed Wikipedia Atom Feed Lycomedes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is...
208. Phaedriades
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