Map of Greece

Capital: Athens.
Area: 132000 sq. km.
Population: About 10 million
people; among them about 1,4 million are the inhabitants of islands.
Admin. division: 51 nom and
1 special administrative district.
Language: The official
language is Greek.
Currency: €uro. There are banknotes with value of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and
500 €uro.
Large cities:
Athens, Thessaloniki,
Patras, Larissa,
Heraklion, Volos,
Geographical position: The largest part of borders of Greece is
the sea borders. The most western point of the country is the island of Corfu,
the most southern - island of Crete, the most eastern - small island of
Kastelorizo. Approximately the fifth part of the territory consists of the
State system: According to the Constitution of 1975 Greece is the
Presidential Parliamentary Republic. The head of the State is the President
elected by parliament for 5 years. The Legislature belongs to the President and
the one-chamber Parliament consisting of 300 deputies, elected for the period
of 4 years general, direct and ballot. The Executive authority is carried out
by the President and the government headed by the Prime Minister.
Climate: The climate in Greece is soft and mediterranean. The
average temperature of January: 4 - 12 C°, July - 27-30 C°. The swimming
season in Greece begins in the middle of May and comes to an end in the end of
October. The average temperature of the sea in July is 26,5C°.
Miscellaneous: A trip to Greece will present unforgettable
impressions to any tourist and will become an exclusive event in his life.
Greece is a cradle of the West-European civilization and culture. Its history
is five millenniums old. All here - large cities and small villages, uncountable
islands and high mountains, each stone - everything is covered with time,
legends and myths. Athens is the capital of Greece, it carries the name of the
ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and knowledge. For all civilized world Athens
are a symbol of freedom, democracy and art.